Custom Control Panels

& Value Added Shop

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CSI Control Panels and Value-Added Shop

In 1992, Control Switches International created a "value added" shop in order to supply switches in enclosures with UL approval per customer request. Due to customer demand, the value-added services turned into a full service custom control panel shop. Control Switches and their sister company EPC (Electrical Power and Controls, Inc.) carry an extensive inventory of electrical components that allows for quick turn-around and extremely competitive prices. Our panel shop is a UL approved facility and undergoes regular UL inspections as required under UL508A for Industrial Control Panels.

Custom Design

Engineering and manufacturing capabilities plus an extensive inventory of control components means that Control Switches International can produce complete control systems as well as custom tailored switches to your specific requirements. We are the only rotary cam switch supplier capable of high level customization. We can preassemble pushbuttons or build a floor standing custom engineered panel. No job is too small!

Application Questions

Our electrical engineers and knowledgeable sales representatives can assist you with your technical and operation-related issues. We can produce large systems or a simple value added project. No project is too small

Quick Turnaround, Extensive Inventory

Get quick turnaround from CSI. We maintain a large inventory and build custom switches in our UL shop.

Enhanced Quality, UL508A approved

Our panel shop undergoes regular UL inspections. Our quality starts with design, runs through our assembly operation and completes with test and inspection. This department will produce pre-wired switches, switches wired to terminal blocks, enclosed switches, contactor and starter control panels, distribution panels and maintenance bypass control panels.

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