Collection: Rotary Cam Switches
Rotary cam switches ranging in size from 20 to 2000 amps. UL listed and American-engineered.

15amps -30amps N SERIES
N12=15amps N20=20amps N25=30amps (mtg dim) A=36mm B=48mm Single hole 22mm or 30mm also available....
40amp - 60amps N SERIES
N32=40amps N40=50amps N63=60amps (mtg dim) A=48mm B=65mm
85amps - 130amps N SERIES
N80 = 85amps N125 = 130 amps (mtg dim)A=68mm B-=90mm
16amps-40amps X SERIES
X16 = 12amps X20 = 15amps X32 = 32amps X40 = 40amps (mtg dim) X16-X20 A=36mm B=48mm; X32-X40 A=48mm B=65mm...
200amps-315amps A-Z SERIES
A200 = 200amps Z315 = 315amps (mtg dim) A = 104mm; B =132mm ...